Matter of Past-India Way

Rajan Kumar
3 min readOct 23, 2020

China is breathing fire at the Himalayan Frontier with India in the wake that it could exact out any price of its desire. Well it could be true few years back when Congress led UPA was in power. Now, under Modi’s India, its backfiring. World has changed its stance against China and start tightening noose on it on multiple counts. It is debated that China is the Host country of spreading of Coronavirus Outbreak which has grappled the entire world and prompted an immediate Lockdown which held the entire World at stand-still. Under Congress Regime, it was a normal to toe the line and assent to anything China wants us to oblige including halting of Infrastructure Build-up at Indian side of Border Areas. Indian order Areas was greatly under-developed during past many decades of Congress Rule, alluding to this Fact. Also during that era of Congress, the Military Establishment of India was massively left to want for many important equipment and Platform like Fighter Jets, Modern Assault Rifles, Submarine, Artillery. They were underprepared to address any assault at Borders which was exploited by the Chinese side every now and then. We were compromising with them on their whims and fancies.

Wheel of Change started spinning with the Onset of Modi Governance. He made effective proposal to modernize Indian Armed Forces by thrusting on acquiring potent Warfare Platforms, Forces were staring at. Rafael Deal was inked and executed without any delay. S-400 Missile Defense System deal struck with Russia to enhancement of Indigenous Defense Production Capacity. He implemented all these vital steps to embolden the Armed Forces of India to tackle any contingencies at the Border. With the Overwhelming mandate, people of India bestowed on Modi led BJP, he exercised these mandate to curate India’s lagging Defense Sector and bolster it to great degree. It shown its effect in subsequent Border confrontations with Chinese Side where Indian forces and Leadership shown the true mettle of Indian might that thrashed china morally and strategically. Whether its Doklam or the Recent Ladakh clashes, we compelled china to come on Table-Talks rather than caving on their wishes and compromising on our rudiment necessity of Border Infrastructure whereas China openly delivering one Project after another on their side.

This Himalayan Border crisis has decimated China’s Interest in India and also brought multiple world powers on the same Platform to counter the growing threat perception from China to the World Order. The World get warned against China vision of Bilateral partnership where China burden the Host Country with Debts and gain strategic Gains in terms of acquiring Real Estate on nominal basis. It helps China in deploring its network and exploiting it to further its Diplomatic, Industrial, Defense and Economic Interest. Now, under the helm-ship of India, Australia, Japan and the USA have formed Quad in Indian Ocean Region to check the footprints of China from growing further. It will also contain its disruptive and sabotaging attempts in the face of any contingency. The Emergence of Chinese Telecom Technologies have been questioned and major Economies of the World have barred Chinese Telecom Giants in building Future Telecom Networks in their Geographical domain. The rolling back of China’s tide in technology will serve as a perennial lesson to not overestimate its Military Might as the World could take on it collectively if it meant any nuisance against any Country to please its nefarious Design. This all happened because Modi led India has clearly set the Rule in engaging with China without compromising on basis Tenets of Bilateral Relationship like respecting Mutual Sovereignty and avoid any mis-adventure on foreign Soil which is aimed to create hostilities for any Country.

Hence, India has covered the Lost Ground in terms of Military advancement and willing to walk any length to relay the Message of “Iron fist in velvet Glove’’. It is up to China to assimilate the new stature of India and act accordingly or face the music.

